The reporting project portfolio tool that your Executives needs

AirSaas helps you manage the governance of your transformation programs and cross-business projects more efficiently. Visualize at a glance all key information in a unified, collaborative platform, simplify decision-making, and save time on your reporting.

AirSaas integrations
Why AirSaaS

They talk about us

Thomas Sagnimorte

DSI at Millet Mountain Group

Great tool that allows us to streamline the management of our project portfolio. I recommend!

Oct 7, 2023

David Leaurant

Director of Organization, Information Systems and Innovation

A shared vision of projects within the team, more reactive arbitrations, a support for presenting the Project Roadmap... all with formalized rituals and common milestones but adapted to the perimeters.

Jul 13, 2023

Marie-Odile Lhomme

Chief Digital & Information Officer-Member FrenchWomencio-Administrator CRIP-VP @Arce Future Women-ESSEC Alumni Chief Digital & Information Officer-Member FrenchWomencio-Administrator CRIP-VP @Arce Future Women-ESSEC Alumni

A great project and a real dynamic of a transversal IT and Business team at the service of the management of the project portfolio Audencia Marion Jaffré Mélinda SCHLEDER Maryline Breton Thomas Kerbiriou. A great AirSaas and Business team dynamic at the service of managing the project portfolio Audencia Marion Jaffré Mélinda SCHLEDER Maryline Breton Thomas Kerbiriou .A great AirSaas partnership Bertran Ruiz! Happy to see the progress day by day... and the first results! We continue!

Jun 30, 2023

Clement Royer

DSI - ICT MANAGER at Chiesi France

With the AirSaas tool we were able to ritualize our project review meetings by eliminating PowerPoints and inefficient meetings. This allows us to have the entire IT department aligned and informed about all projects on a daily basis. A really TOP tool!

Oct 26, 2023

Jérôme PIROT

Business Applications Manager

A tool is nothing without the support that goes with it. I appreciate Bertran's approach and its practical side. A great experience and a great tool (AirSaas). Thanks Bertran. 👍

Jul 21, 2023

Thibault Baheux

Project management & PMO

Awareness is beginning to take place in the CODIRs. What they lack, on the other hand, is to have a concrete vision of the organization's project portfolio, and that's where AirAaas comes in.

Oct 4, 2023

Why choose AirSaas?

Why AirSaaS

Rate of projects that fail (without AirSaas!) because of delayed critical decisions

Percent AirSaaS
3 min
Why AirSaaS

The time it will take to get your governance tool up and running

Why AirSaaS
1 day
Why AirSaaS

Average time saved per project per month compared to your manual reporting

AirSaaS days
Why AirSaaS

The cost of a non-contributing AirSaas user, to give the best visibility to everyone

AirSaaS budget

A project governance platform that matches your ambitions

Our mission? Making the CIO the cornerstone of the company's transformation by structuring the governance of all projects through a unified, simple, and collaborative platform. Your mission? Take your company to the next level in terms of project governance!

Manage your projects in a macro way

Continuously prioritize your projects with your collaborative roadmap, and create filtered views to visualize in a few clicks the weather, the risks and the delays of your projects.

Portfolio timeline

Streamline the important and urgent decisions to make

Centralize your decisions in a Kanban format, and share them easily with all your project stakeholders. No more lost information in your emails or instant messaging feeds!

Standardize your project reporting

Generate your flash reports in a single click, and standardize your presentations to facilitate decision-making. This saves you time to focus on your governance and on coaching your project managers.

Flash report ppt
Presentation scope

Spread a standardized project culture

Fill in your project scope statements in a collaborative way, and make your teams upskill towards a level of excellence in project management. Prepare for a consistent project culture!

Collaborate for better management

Bring all your stakeholders together through your governance platform, and uncover the hidden interdependencies of your cross-business projects. Because no collaboration means no prioritization.

People involved
Presentation review

Continuously optimize the way you manage projects

Generate in a single click a project report containing your key metrics (time, cost, engagement...) but also the "DAKI" feedback of your teams. A perfect way to enhance your projects together.

What if you took back your project portfolio ?

Choose a modern governance management solution that will save your projects time and money now

Thanks to its marketplace, AirSaas natively integrates with your everyday tools

Centralize all your crucial information (tickets, milestones...) from your task management tools on AirSaas, and broadcast them through your internal communication channels. Everyone is on the same page, and you govern smoothly.


Our customers can't get enough of AirSaas

Without AirSaas
With AirSaas
without AirSaaS

Projects scoped on PowerPoint or Excel, without collaboration and without consistency

with AirSaaS

A collaborative and standardized project framework, guided by best practices

without AirSaaS

Hand-made project / steering committee reportings that take you a significant amount of time

with AirSaaS

A decision-making oriented reporting automatically generated in your company's design

without AirSaaS

Too much micro-information scattered between your different task management and ticketing tools

with AirSaaS

Focus on the decisions and points of attention of your projects, thanks to a structured governance

without AirSaaS

Project managers have trouble understanding the decisions made and to make

with AirSaaS

True transparency of your projects for all the stakeholders of your company

without AirSaaS

Complex task management

with AirSaaS

Agile management through project milestones

without AirSaaS

Disparate (or even non-existent) project culture

with AirSaaS

A standardized project culture that drives all teams towards excellence

without AirSaaS

Micro-management to manage your teams

with AirSaaS

Empowerment of everyone, thanks to a simplified and collaborative vision of project progress

Leave our customers Tell you about AirSaas

Who better to tell you about the platform than those who use it on a daily basis to improve the management of their transformation projects?

Check out the testimonials of our customers

The replay not to be missed!

Aurore Butrot, CIO of the Intuis group explains to us how it combines the use of AirSaas and Asana to respectively manage the governance and execution of its projects.

Watch the replay
Intuis - Asana Events