Co-managing strategy and operations with AirSaaS + Asana - Intuis Group

Aurore Butrot
DSI Intuis (Ex Groupe Muller)
Intuis Group (Ex Muller)
Project Management
Date Testimonial
Number of employees
AirSaaS users
The flash report in one click
Favorite feature
The flash report in one click

En connectant AirSaas et Asana, j’obtiens le meilleur de chaque outil pour piloter, exécuter et rendre compte de notre transformation à chaque type d’interlocuteur.

Aurore Butrot

Aurore Butrot, Directrice des Systèmes d’Information Intuis (Ex Groupe Muller) -
Utilisatrice AirSaas

Before/After AirSaaS

Avant AirSaas

Projets gérés au format excel


Direction un peu perdue dans les projets informatiques.


Une gestion de projet pas “mature”, peu de rituels et d’habitudes


Pas assez de pédagogie envers les utilisateurs finaux sur les processus de changements


Défiance des équipes métiers vis-à-vis de l’info

Après AirSaas

Usage d’un outil ergonomique et synthétique


Roadmap collaborative partagée avec toutes les parties prenantes des projets


Adoption d’une culture projet homogène


Meilleur partage du sensde tous les changements pour impliquer les équipes.


Embarquement des métiers grâce à plus de transparence et de confiance.

The context: key figures, company etc.

Intuis France is a company in the field of thermal comfort that has more than 70 years of experience, is very present in French industrial fabrics and even certified “Origine France Garantie”! In figures: €200 million in turnover - more than 1,000 employees - 120 engineers and researchers - 6 factories located in Hauts-de-France, in Grand Est and in Pays de Loire - 5 research and development centers - 3 training centers.

Joined the Intuis group after a one-year mission as interim manager. Is Aurore Butrot today Director of Information Systems and member of COMEX. Cliente user of the AirSaaS solution She does not hesitate to speak frankly about the challenges she has faced as a CIO, so that the lessons she has learned from her experiences can benefit her peers.

The Challenge: simplifying and sharing IT processes to involve teams

Transformation program, reporting, management of transversal projects, team acculturation... Among all the challenges, the common thread was that of simplifying IT activities, to address three challenges: rebuilding trust between teams IT/jobs. Develop a project culture homogeneous and bringing coherence to governance of the project roadmap for get teams on board and involve.

Defiance, heterogeneous project culture and low adoption of processes

Like many organizations, Intuis project management lacked methodology, or maturity in a way. To varying degrees, the following symptoms were present:

Governance “drowned” and not shared with COMEX

The The challenge was to provide readability and understanding To members of COMEX And at DG to recreate coherence in relation to the given strategic organization in order to facilitate their governance and prioritization.

Indeed, before the implementation of AirSaaS, the governance process was partly drowned in the various informal exchanges carried out via e-mail messages, Teams, meeting reports. This dispersion was also found at a more global level, in the organization of the group, which was relatively isolated and not very agile.

Aurore points out that”the projects lacked the trade-offs to move forward”. The key word was simplify processes by offering a summary view of the activity.

The solution: AirSaaS + Asana to co-pilot governance and project management, by aligning IT, management and businesses!

Schéma des usages de gouvernance / exécution de projet
Scheme of the uses of governance/project execution

Create a common repository

Before this approach was implemented, the dominant feeling within business teams was as follows:”If I ask for the info it will not progress I will not get it on time and it will not be what I wanted”.

For the IT teams, the feeling is a portrait of framing defects and projects with variable objectives that are permanent on the part of the professions.

With AirSaaS that was enough easy to show that if the projects were not met on time and on budget, it was for several reasons : lack of methodology, poor framing, waiting for validations...

When you reach the end of the project, if you don't know how to trace this history and give these explanations, the result is a loss of credibility: you say it's the news, it's normal, they're late.”.

Very quickly Aurore was able to involve the business teams in a “give and take” relationship based on more objectivity. ”In exchange for transparency, projects had to be structured, without objectives that vary constantly.” explains Aurore

“AirSaaS made it possible to list everything, the tool remains factual by keeping track of what we are doing. I only know how to improve what I can measure!”

After a month, the company decided that it was going to rely on AirSaaS for: Give yourself a centralized, ordered, planned and shared framework for the management of needs/requests and projects.

“On a positionné l’outil comme étant le référentiel des projets. Pour centraliser la boîte à projets, l'idée clé était de donner de la confiance et de la transparence sur l’intégralité des projets.”

In addition,”This has also contributed to strengthening the transversality between marketing and technical projects and made it possible to build a bridge between these two worlds. The objective was to get non-computer scientists on board and get to the point.

Synchronize the shared governance tool with a complementary GDP solution like Asana

Synchroniser gouvernance et en GDP AirSaas / Asana
Synchronize governance and GDP | AirSaaS | Asana

After setting up the project governance solution, very quickly, Aurore looked for a tool to help business teams get on with her project and task management. “Once you break these silos, there is an organization that must adapt around it and more suitable tools to implement and adopt.” For her, the important thing is:”to favor tools that end users want to use, without copying information”.

The first team with which this organization was set up was the marketing team with which a Product Information Management (PIM) project was to be carried out. Over time, after the Marketing teams, Aurore was able to onboard other business representatives on specific projects using this governance monitoring architecture with AirSaaS + Execution monitoring with Asana.

To the question of knowing why did you choose a best-of-breed Asana+AirSaaS integration versus an “all in one” tool? Aurore stresses that she did not find everything in one, combining operational and strategic visions in a way that was legible for the various audiences.

«AirSaas est vraiment orienté Sponsor / CODIR / COMEX c’est ultra-synthétique et permet d’avoir une vision high level.» Alors que dans Asana elle n’arrivait pas à avoir ce haut niveau de consolidation. 

When you are in the process of execution, you need to go into detail, to list all the tasks, to do your critical path, to plan in the short term. Asana is tailored to these needs.. When you are in control, governance, you need abstraction, to know the progress of projects and decisions, without having to go into the details of the tasks. AirSaaS is the solution we have chosen for these other uses.”.

Vue AirSaas synchronisé avec Asana
AirSaaS view synced with Asana

This “best of breed” versus “all in 1” solution was the key lever for involving businesses in these uses.

Engaging COMEX members, by addressing the transformation “from the top” of the portfolio

General and financial management expect use cases and returns on investment. They need to understand the purpose of a project, without being drowned in technical details, Aurore underlines. However, Excel is not the best format to alert or to get the attention of the management committee.”

For our CIO, rather than an Excel file showing the portfolio in a synthetic and ergonomic tool was a lever for simplification. We succeeded in showing the value and scope of the team's tasks.

After the creation of this common and shared transformation framework between IT and businesses, faced with more financial and less technical interlocutors, such as those of a management committee, Aurore simplified the task of steering and governance. By entering, not through the management of projects and tasks that are too detailed but “from above”, through the value created. She succeeded in showing the essence and the purpose of the wallet! For example, this made it possible to show projects in “buffering” that it was appropriate to postpone, to keep the organization's focus on priorities. ” The more you follow things on a regular basis, the sooner you can get them back on track.” recalls our CIO.

She says she has the chance tobelong to an executive committee at the heart of the transformation. “Our tools are nothing without the proposed approach. This is where AirSaaS has brought a real plus. This made it possible to make visible the governance/IT relationships/part, which was sometimes drowned in emails and teams. The tool made it possible to show reality and to speed up decision-making.”

Bonus section:

What sets AirSaaS apart from the other tools considered?

For Aurore Butrot and her team, AirSaaS is a synthetic and ergonomic solution to structure the governance of all projects, in a simple and collaborative platform and she recommends its use, combined with a “supercharged” project management tool like Asana.

What's your favorite feature?

The flash report in powerpoint format. Aurore tells us: “We are very good technicians but not good power point manufacturers! What works is the CEO's PowerPoint ! AirSaaS allowsexport this file in one click to send him the day before and so that he has the information allowing him to go to the meeting without being drowned! This contributes to the marketing of the IT department.”.

Bio Express box - Aurore Butrot

Aurore Butrot client AirSaas Aurore Butrot, Directrice des Systèmes d’Information Intuis (Ex Groupe Muller)

Aurore started coding at the age of 8! She started her professional career with development, then project management and finally team management. What motivates him today is to participate in the transformation of businesses. Organizations that all too often approach IT as the rock in the shoe! For Aurore, the info team is on the contrary the one that is at the crossroads of all projects and can contribute to great successes.
Thanks to her for her testimony, which can contribute to helping other leaders and managers looking for more efficiency and fun!

« On cherchait un outil simple et pas usine à gaz »

Cyril Mallet

DSI adjoint Chambre des Notaires de Paris

“Il y a bien entendu un grand nombre de risques au sein d’une entreprise, dont le fameux risque financier. Néanmoins, le risque IT et le risque cyber sont devenus, en quelques mois, les risques numéro 1 de la liste.”

Alain Gaudefroy


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