AirSaas : un outil PPM nouvelle génération - Logiciel ppm

Souvent complexes et coûteux à implémenter, AirSaas propose un outil PPM nouvelle génération. Finissez-en aujourd'hui avec votre Excel à 1200 colonnes !

pourquoi AirSaas

What is the best PPM tool? The AirSaaS example

A PPM tool (Project Portfolio Management tool) enables your to get more visibility on your portfolio and to prioritize projects according to their potential benefits for the company.

Finally, the PPM tool that all departments have been waiting for

So simple

pourquoi AirSaas

No more 5 days of training: import your Excel, invite your team and off you go. The interface is ergonomic and intuitive, you can get started from day one.

pourquoi AirSaas
pourquoi AirSaas

Value-oriented PPM

A PPM tool should not simply help you better manage your projects - it should allow you to bring more value to the company. AirSaaS helps you monitor essential indicators and measure the return on investment of your actions.

pourquoi AirSaas
pourquoi AirSaas

Connected to your tools

In a world where tools are multiplying, it's essential not to have to re-enter information from one tool to another or to search everywhere for a shared document. AirSaaS connects to your communications, finance, development tools, to simplify everyone's work.

pourquoi AirSaas

Prenez des décisions avisées en Copil

Pour prendre les bonnes décisions il faut les bonnes informations en entrée, à jour et consolidées. La performance de votre activité dépend de votre capacité à être efficace dans la gestion de vos comités de pilotage.

AirSaas vous fourni un tableau de bord de tous vos projets, filtrable suivant les indicateurs essentiels, permettant de ne voir que les informations importantes à la prise de décision.

Portfolio decisions
Reporting flash avec votre logiciel PPM

Gagnez du temps en reporting

Vos équipes reçoivent régulièrement des questions sur l’état d’avancement des projets, le manager passe beaucoup de temps à remplir des slides Powerpoint en glanant les informations à gauche et à droite.

Nous avons créé pour vous le rapport flash. En un clic une présentation (.ppt, .pdf, url) est générée, contenant les slides projet avec toutes les données à jour. Vous pouvez maintenant tenir au courant la direction générale et les responsables métiers de l’avancée de vos activités, des ressources humaines mobilisées, etc.

Améliorez votre gestion des ressources

La vue timeline vous permet d’avoir une vision d’ensemble des projets en cours et leurs jalons associés. Vous pouvez déplacer les éléments grâce au cliquer-glisser et envisager des nouveaux scénarios.  Assurez-vous de la disponibilité des ressources et priorisez les projets par importance, solution ou logiciel choisi, évaluation de l’importance pour le métier, etc.

Gestion des ressources depuis votre outil PPM
Project page effort and budget consumed

Suivez la consommation des budgets et des ressources

Vous ne pouvez pas être pris au dépourvu, vous devez surveiller la consommation de vos budgets et de vos ressources en continu. Pour cela, AirSaas se connecte à vos outils de développement pour récupérer les jours homme consommés et vos outils financiers pour les budgets consommés. L’objectif est de vous fournir une vue consolidée et exportable.

Choisissez de gagner du temps et du contrôle

Adoptez dès maintenant une solution efficace de flash report projet

Keep projects moving forward smoothly

Fluidifiez les relations entre l’IT et les métiers

Les métiers reprochent la lenteur du département IT et la non prise en compte de leurs besoins. L’IT manque de ressources et reproche aux métiers leur manque d’investissement. AirSaas apporte un workflow commun et une vue consolidée permettant de mettre en avant les jeux de contrainte de chacun.
AirSaas est collaboratif “by design” permettant de rassembler les parties prenantes autour d’un même outil, compréhensible de tous.

L’outil permet un reporting régulier, ainsi qu’une remontée des problèmes rencontrés et des succès du parcours pour engager les équipes et avancer sereinement.

Pilotage de projet
Cadrage de projet dans votre logiciel PPM

Améliorez la phase de cadrage

Au menu, un cadrage guidé où les utilisateurs sont accompagnés pour remplir les informations essentielles au bon démarrage (gains espérés, critères de réussite, effort à fournir, etc.), auquel on ajoute la possibilité de les remplir de façon collaborative et asynchrone. Quand le niveau de remplissage est suffisant, le projet peut partir en validation au comité de pilotage.

Boost team engagement

Send a regular, anonymous survey to team members to gauge their confidence in the project's success. With AirSaas, you create a cooperative link between IT and the business units. Businesses are no longer IT's customers, and IT is no longer IT's servant. Sound collaboration is essential to the success of projects throughout their lifecycle.

Pilotage de projet
Project page

Partagez vos avancées

Le plan de communication est indispensable à la réussite de vos projets et de votre équipe. Tenez au courant les membres du Comex et les responsables métier pour diminuer la frustration, mettre en avant les succès et inciter d’autres collaborateurs à rejoindre le mouvement des projets qui fonctionnent. Une tâche qui normalement est chronophage, mais le rapport flash automatique va grandement vous aider !

Choisissez de gagner du temps et du contrôle

Adoptez dès maintenant une solution efficace de flash report projet

Don't confuse PM and PPM

Often time, there is confusion between PM tools (Project Management) and PPM tools (Project Portfolio Management), even though they don't have the same goals, so let's start by distinguishing between these two types of project management tool.

Le PM : outil de gestion de projet

Le PM permet d’assurer la gestion d’un projet en particulier. Il va simplifier l’ensemble des missions du chef de projet :

  • contrôle du respect des objectifs
  • gestion des délais de réalisation
  • optimisation de suivi des actions de chaque membre de l’équipe
  • planification de l’exécution de chaque phase de la gestion du projet
  • offrir une visibilité sur la gestion de l’ensemble du projet grâce à un tableau de bord
  • animer les équipes en charge de la gestion du projet
Le PM : outil de gestion de projet
Portfolio projects list

Le PPM : outil de gestion de portefeuille de projets

Là où le PM optimise la planification d’un projet en particulier, un outil PPM va permettre d’organiser tous les projets d’une organisation.
Lorsqu’une entreprise évolue continuellement, elle arrive forcément à un stade où elle sera amenée à assurer la gestion de plusieurs projets en même temps. Et c’est justement lorsque ce nombre de projets commence à devenir important que les logiciels de gestion de portefeuille de projets deviennent indispensables.

  • prioriser les projets
  • offrir une visibilité globale sur la gestion de projets
  • garantir une transparence sur la gestion du portefeuille de projet
  • responsabiliser les chefs de projets et leur assignant des objectifs
  • sortir des logiques de silos et installer une approche collaborative

Let's go back in time in PPM tools' history

When did PPM softwares start appearing?

Although the first project management tools began to appear as early as the 80s, it's worth noting that new companies have continued to develop competing software ever since. It's also interesting to note that, while all these software products now address project portfolio management issues, not all of them were initially developed to serve the same purpose! Some prioritized project management, while others addressed project portfolio management from the outset.

Pilotage de projet

Problem targeted at the date of creation

Quel besoin est apparu en premier : la gestion de projet ou de portefeuille de projets ?

Which need came first: project management or project portfolio management?

We can see that a majority of project portfolio management tools actually began by offering project management services! It was only later that these were supplemented to enable several projects to be run optimally at the same time.‍

It's worth noting, however, that from the outset, some tools focused on project portfolio management (Planview), even if some of them also offered project management functions (Sciforma, Ganttic).

Today, almost all of these softwares meet both needs: project management and project portfolio management. It's clear, then, that there's a need to streamline decision-making in companies, whether on a project management scale, or on a more global scale using a PPM tool.

Choisissez de gagner du temps et du contrôle

Adoptez dès maintenant une solution efficace de flash report projet

Different ways of seeing project management: the CIO example

If project portfolio management tools don't all have the same functionalities, this is partly due to the way they were historically built, but it's also a consequence of the vision of project management they promote.

But why are there different visions of project management in IT Departments?

Project management: from a technical  to a business perspective

Most white papers on the subject agree that, in recent decades, the IT department has moved from a largely technical role to one focused on the business needs of the professions. The IT department is no longer reduced to ensuring the operation of the run, by providing purely technical assistance, but must also need to understand the needs of the various collaborators in order to bring them value in their core business.

IT departments' expectations of a tool to manage their projects have therefore inevitably evolved tremendously: from a monitoring tool to manage technical issues, IT departments often need their PPM tool to simplify communication with the business and the feedback of their needs, notably through the mediation of the project manager.

Pilotage de projet
Pilotage de projet

The impact of the rise of digital technology on the needs of CIOs in project management

The development of digital technology enables CIOs to help their companies in new ways, and in particular by contributing more to the success of business goals. For example, an IT department can structure the digitization of processes, which saves time for the business units and helps them to be competitive with their competitors. It can even contribute to value creation, in particular by supporting changes to the company's business model. We can also think of the anecdote from Pierre Raschi, CEO of Référence DSI, in which he recounts how a part-time IT department enabled a butchershop to renew its ageing clientele thanks to digital technology.

This structural change in the era of digital technology for a company is leading to the IT department being entrusted with more responsibilities, which in turn means that it has to manage its projects differently, and therefore expects new functionalities from its PPM tools - which in turn means that these tools have to evolve!

A paradigm shift: from process control to a need to engage employees

The two changes outlined above imply an evolution in the way the IT department collaborates with the various departments and teams within its company. A technically-focused IT department used to try to control the behavior of its employees, so that they were not held back by any technical problems and the information system was not adversely affected. Today, if IT wants to have a positive impact on the company's business, it must be able to understand the needs of the various business units, and therefore work closely with them. And such collaboration requires breaking down the silos that may exist between departments, or within teams themselves, and involving each and every employee. Thus, an IT department wishing to control all existing processes will not need the same type of tool as one seeking to structure a strong collaboration with its teams.

To put it more bluntly, Maslow's pyramids represent two major visions of CIOs in opposition to each other:

Un changement de paradigme : du contrôle des process, à un besoin d’impliquer les collaborateursUn changement de paradigme : du contrôle des process, à un besoin d’impliquer les collaborateurs

Opposing visions of project management require different PPM tools

Once you've understood that not all PPM tools meet the same needs, you have to ask yourself a question: which PPM is best suited to how I envision the role of the IT department, and to my goals?

A variety of PPMs to suit your IT department's needs

Of course, there are PPMs that offer various functionalities, more or less advanced:

  • project arbitration
  • resource management
  • budget construction
  • risk management
  • coordinating project meetings
  • essential information reporting
  • profitability control
  • simplified communication space

But beyond this list of features, it's possible to highlight opposing PPM styles to differentiate them more easily.

Pilotage de projet

All-in-one PPM VS PPM that plugs into existing applications

Some PPM softwares, such as ERPs, aim to meet all CIO needs in a single package. Many of them are effective, but their lack of flexibility once implemented means that you need to take the time to think things through before making your choice.

On the other hand, other softwares (often SaaS ones) offer fewer functionalities, but can be synchronized with existing tools. In this way, they avoid duplication and reduce the cost of changing a tool - whereas upgrading a heavy PPM tool will be a major, time-consuming and costly project.

These two types of tool do not correspond to the same vision of the IT department's role. In the case of a software that integrates with existing tools, the IT department is seen as no longer having to acquire a software that enables it to progress on all fronts, but rather as having to be able to connect and disconnect different tools, according to the company's evolution. The idea is to be able to stick to existing needs, constantly, and at lower cost.‍

PPMs offering a collaborative space for communication

Depending on the CIO's vision of his role within the company, a collaborative space incorporated directly into his PPM tool can really simplify his day-to-day work and that of his teams. While most companies already use "classic" channels for reporting business needs to the CIO (Teams, Slack), choosing to use a PPM software that offers a more structured exchange interface enables information to be centralized for more effective collaboration.

Pilotage de projet

Les PPM qui misent sur l’UX

L’avantage qu’amène le choix de ces PPM est double. Tout d’abord, si l’on souhaite impliquer les collaborateurs d’une entreprise sur des sujets aussi techniques que ceux traités par la DSI, mieux vaut le faire sur une interface qui leur plaira. Il n’y a rien de plus décourageant que d’être invité à travailler sur un Excel géant lorsque l’on n'est pas la personne ayant passé des dizaines d’heures à le créer. Les PPM qui misent sur l’UX ont donc généralement une interface suffisamment intuitive pour faciliter la collaboration entre les profils techniques et business.

Le second avantage est d’augmenter le taux d’adoption de ces PPM : les collaborateurs ne mettront que quelques heures à se roder à l’utilisation de ces nouveaux logiciels plutôt que quelques jours, ce qui peut être un levier très intéressant si l’objectif est de mobiliser rapidement.

The importance of adapting the tool's methodology to the reality of your organization

No tool is really neutral; each tool has an intrinsic methodology. If you want to maximize the adoption rate of your PPM tool, one of the key factors is to choose one that uses a methodology adapted to the functioning of your organization: at the level of existing processes, set objectives, or even your vision of project management.

Taking a PPM tool with a methodology opposite to the one in place would be as counterproductive as swimming against the current one. Thus, it is essential to question the methodology you want to apply, in order to choose your PPM tool accordingly.

Changing corporate culture through user interface

While it's best to adopt a tool whose methodology is close to the reality of your operations, a PPM tool can also be a lever for changing your working processes and your company's culture. Indeed, a corporate culture is the fruit of the behavior it adopts in the face of a particular environment. So, if you change the environment, in particular by changing the software used, you change the culture!

This means it's possible to use a new tool to bring about a change in practices. However, you need to make sure that the desired change is not the opposite of what you are currently promoting. Indeed, if it is not accompanied by decisions and directives in the same direction, a tool alone cannot shake up the habits ingrained in an organization.

In short: choose a tool with a methodology close to the one you're currently promoting, or at least the one you'd like to implement.

Where does AirSaaS in the spectrum of all these project management tools?

As described at the top of this page, AirSaas is a rather lightweight project portfolio management tool that doesn't aim to be an all-in-one software package, but includes most of the key functionalities an IT department needs to ensure project execution.

An intuitive PPM tool integrated into your existing tools


By integrating with Jira, you'll automatically have project progress data in AirSaas. This will give you an effortless overview of all projects and their status.

Pilotage de projet

Microsoft Teams

AirSaas is integrated with Microsoft Teams. Automatically, the most important information on current projects will be sent to your dedicated Teams communication channels. With this integration, you can easily share project progress with the whole company. If you use other solutions, please let us know!

Pilotage de projet
Un outil PPM avec une UX forte

Un outil PPM avec une UX forte

Notre pari : pour parvenir à impliquer les métiers, la DSI a besoin de le outil PPM qu’ils sauront prendre en main rapidement, sans friction. Nous pensons que ce n’est pas en forçant les métiers à travailler sur des outils complexes que les entreprises parviendront à briser les logiques de silos et à structurer une collaboration étroite métiers/DSI.

One PPM tool with a collaborative methodology to engage business units

We've taken this collaborative approach to its logical conclusion: AirSaas offers a search engine for solutions (external/internal) accessible to business managers. When a business has a need, it is already looking for solutions on its own, without necessarily informing the IT department, which can even end up dealing with Shadow IT.

Our idea here is to provide IT departments with a solution for managing these practices and structuring their efforts to find solutions, while helping them to understand the technical constraints of the information system.

AirSaaS is a lightweight PPM software that can be seamlessly integrated with existing systems, and which uses a strong collaborative methodology to involve the business units.

AirSaaS: the new-generation PPM software

Take advantage of the free version of AirSaaS.